Thursday, September 3, 2009

Let's speed it up people

We're movin' a little slow these days in class. We have a different teacher Weds - Fri and she is a bit slower, but quite emotive...a little too emotive for me at 8 am. The amazing thing's still too fast for some. I'm not trying to be rude would have to try (and try hard) to still not understand "Wie heissen Sie?" after 45 minutes of non-stop repetition of the phrase. There is a girl in there that when asked a question, will inevitably get it wrong. It's to the point that when the teacher calls her name (which changed from Day 1 and 2 when it was Denises and now it is somehow Xiomara) the Chechen guy starts laughing because he knows her answer will be completely off. Not ok, Chechnya...but Coco kinda love it and laugh to myself.

Then there's Obehi...poor Obehi...I feel for her. It really does make you appreciate your good education. She has trouble reading and was told on Day 1 (by firmer, faster and my preferred teacher) that she does not belong in this class. She wouldn't have it and stayed. Teacher #2 let her stay for a day and a half before realizing that it really wasn't gonna work. It was kinda slowing all of us down.

Then there's Kosovo. Kosovo gets it, but she also likes to show that and try to answer for EVERYONE. Not ok. Everytime the teacher asks someone a question (especially Denises aka: Xiomara or Obehi) she likes to answer for them.

Setting aside my rude rantings, I'm really enjoying it. I have made some friends (Elahe from Iran, Haidy from Egypt and Haiyen from China) and we talk during the breaks. This forces us to practice our German because obviously we do not speak a common language. Today we made Haiyen write our names in Chinese. Haidy from Egypt speaks some English and always refers to German, the language, as Germany. It is quite fun and I haven't corrected her yet because I like how she says it. "Oh yes, because here in Graz you must speak Germany."

I shouldn't make fun...I would NOT like to learn her language...

Her German/Arabic dictionary:


Lindsey Lenig said...

you must remember, not everyone is blessed with brains...i learned this very early on teaching in the hood.

sounds like you have some great stories for Art when you get home - keep 'em coming, i am definitely laughing with you.

BETH said...

My favorite blog post by you by far. Hilarious!

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- Carolyn