Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Year Ago Today...

We were in a golf cart, excited, yet unaware of what was ahead of us in our Austrian adventure.


I barely had time to think about it before the wedding, as planning one can consume much of your time. That with packing up my apartment, getting rid of 3/4 of my wardrobe, filling out residence permits in German, taking them to Kinko's to have them printed on a bigger sheet of paper so you can cut them to just the right European paper size, signing off and saying goodbye to my office of 5 years where I had made many friends that felt like family, gathering the right attire for a frosty honeymoon, trying to fit in a work out everyday as nothing motivates a girl more than a wedding and on and on.

Now, here we are...having survived the first year (supposedly the hardest) of marriage...abroad. Not feeling like celebrities surrounded by all of our friends and family, food, dancing and fireworks...just two Americans in the corner of a little Austrian restaurant. (having a delicious Styrian-style dinner).


One of us sort of speaking the language, one of us not really squeezing the toothpaste tube correctly (from the bottom up dang it), one of us hogging the coat rack (who, me?), and one of us whose idea of doing the dishes is to put them in the sink and fill them with water (not ok!), but both of us glad we embarked on this adventure abroad. We've spent a lot of time together this last year...more than we would living back home. I think it's good for our marriage to be here together, away from all other influences, making our own way. And, yes, we're still in lovey dove. Although sometimes I wonder who Art loves or the new girl (the one with big brown eyes and a waggly tail).


Sneaker Teacher said...

Happy Anniversary! I think living abroad is a great way to bring a marriage closer and make it stronger. Congrats!


Erin said...

Congrats on your anniversary! My husband has the same toothpaste tube problem. And get this - he hates it when I put the dishes in the sink because that means the bottoms will need to be cleaned instead of just the tops. What??

doris said...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum ersten Hochzeitstag!

Anonymous said...

Dear Carolyn and Art, Congratulations! Happy anniversary!!! I think you are great together and remember that it would be boring without these cute...sometimes not so cute differences. Take care and have a great second year and more. Monika and Tom ps. Tom thinks that the dishes are done when he washes most of them...with a few things left and a big puddle of water around the sink :)

Niki said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope y'all have a great day of celebration together.

Erin said...

Congratulations Carolyn and Art! I kinda wish you had recreated your golf cart scene on the hillside of the schlossen-bossen. have a vundee celebration.

(ps - those menus look like photo albums)

Kimberly said...

Happy Anniversary! You guys have done more in one year of marriage than some do in a lifetime!

brookes said...

Yea! happy one year!

BETH said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (yesterday, I know! I'm a day late :) ) Congrats to one year, and hopefully 50+ more!

melissa said...

Happy Anniversary! I can't believe it has already been a whole year since that beautiful fun wedding. How time flies when you are so in love.

Lindsay said...

I just posted a long comment, but now I don't see it. Darn, darn, darn. Well, happy 1st anniversary. We are thinking about you and Art and can't believe it has already been a whole year.

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- Carolyn