{Loving my new puff jacket...I finally got one and feel like I fit in over here..plus, they are much warmer than my peacoats}
I'm back home. Or am I back from being home? Being back 'home' made me realize how much Graz really has become home. Catch that, homey?
I fit in so many visits, so much food in my expanded belly and I was wiped (in a good way) when it was time to return. Not enough photos were taken because my blog mind doesn't really exist when I'm back home. I revert to my pre-blogger (PB) self.

Day 2...a baby shower for a friend since elementary school.

Friends since 1st grade here, folks. I don't know why Rachael is a head taller than all of us...not so in real life.

Pops on a pallet. I had to get a pic. (Mind you it was probably not that cold outside but these wimps think it's bitter frosty.)

I got to be around Sam (my nephew) for a good 5 entertaining, darndest cute days. He's grown so much since I last saw him.

...and Ana's birthday party at the roller rink.

a night out with sisters, mom, aunt, grandmother and cousin. Yummy beef medallions in my mouth.

I have never seen my sister cheer since I have been gone her senior year. (and entire junior year..yikes!) Luckily, our high school was in the State playoffs, so extra pep rallys were had and I got to go and relive high school days and watch my baby sister cheer it up.

Mimi (mom) was there too. She is that stick figure (yes, she's had seven children) on the right.

Had a blind blogger date with Christi (on the right) and our mutual friend, Annie. Christi, notice how we're both in our grey and white neutrals... ha!

Lunch with my girlfriends from my old job.
And, that's all I got for now. There was a lot more action not caught on film, like my brother's college graduation (congrats Andy!), a brunch with an organization I used to work for (hi Carol and Judy!), being there when my sister Molly got her UT Plan II Honors acceptance letter (still so happy for you), long walks with a bestie (thanks for getting my buns in gear, Lou), a visit to my brother's great new house (it's wondey, Linds and Chris), meeting my friend's new baby (Libby knows her Aunt Coco now!) and lots and lots of good talks with friends, sisters, brothers and parents. Thank you all for such a wonderful homecoming welcome and visit.
{This post took me too long to formulate. I am rusty! Glad to be back on your computer screen and in your life.}
{This post took me too long to formulate. I am rusty! Glad to be back on your computer screen and in your life.}
(oh, how I missed you umlaut and scharfes S!)
Roller rink parties! yeah! I used to love those as a kid! Glad you made it there/back despite all the nutty weather!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from Graz!!!
I see your herringbone floors now!!!
Looks like you had an awesome trip!
Thanks for the shout out!! Glad you are back to blogging.....missed reading posts :)
So glad you made it "home" safely. :) Been missing your posts. xo, cat
Love the new coat AND the boots! You look ready for a walk with Elsie in the snow (she does too). So glad you had a wonderful trip and made it home safely. Umlauts rule.
Loved reading this! Made me miss you though. Too bad we didn't get a shot of our baja burgers.. or perhaps a video to show the aggressive steam coming from them.
Julianne and I were at MCM 'til 11 last night...doin' it big like we did :)
Love the new jacket you're sportin'! Made me wanna go shopping in the Us of A. Feel free to post tex-mex pics ;-). Nice to see you made it home safe despite the s.n.o.w!
Your picture of the tree and ornaments turned out nice. And you managed to get a shot with just about everyone. You are back to blogging and just in time for those of us who love to read LIG. Love ya. Meems
Carolyn, good to read your post again...I missed you. By the way, if you are wondering who called your mom yesterday asking about you....it was me :) I totally lost the track of time...I thought you were still here.Anyways, I'm hoping to talk to you on skype:)))
Good to see you back! You had obviously the best of times!
You must be happy though to be with your sweet man and that cutie dog....
for Christmas!
Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr!
Coco we miss you! I hope you are having a great time in Graz. I love you! - ceci
Welcome back! Glad you made it home/back to Graz safe and sound! I too struggle with that "home" word but I think it's a good thing that we have multiple places we can and do call home! :-) Enjoy Christmas, round two! Froehe Weihnachten and ein gutes Rutsch ins neue Jahr! (I was told by a local that that's how the Styrians - or maybe it's just Grazers - say Happy New Year!)
loved this post. so glad you had such a lovely trip home. I want a blind blogger date! Hope you have the merriest of Christmases yet! xo
Laughing out loud at how we are both in neutrals! =) Great recap and I am soo glad we got to meet up! Merry Christmas!
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- Carolyn