Hi. It's been awhile. Yes, part of it's taking care of Alexander, but the truth is that most of the reason for lack of posts is lack of content. I don't really have anything to blog about anymore...now that I'm back in the ole USA and well, living the regular life. A sweet life, I should say. Look at that face:

At a month old.

Abuela and Abuelo came to visit and we had fun.
Arturo, Arturo and Alejandro. :)

Inside U of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning.
Showing them the campus.
We went out to eat! I think easier with a sleeping newborn...will get harder in the coming months.
Elsie's mostly gotten over her jealousy, but always wants to be in the action and next to baby... my pictures often contain a furry beast in the corner:
We recently tried out the Ergo Baby Carrier - baby and Dad both love it.
It's perfect for going on little walks at night. (I could use some exercise. :) )
The trees are starting to change colors and that never gets old to a
Texan. (where we don't have this for those of you that don't know.)
He's grown so much already. I see him developing more everyday. He loves to look around, coo and gives us the best smiles.
So, life is good in this hood. this motherhood and neighborhood. :)
C, he's truly adorable, but I don't have to tell you that. ;-)
Alexander is the CUTEST. Lovin the pic with Elsie in it too...story of my dogs fake human life.
KEEP blogging....you'll come up with material, and more importantly I want to keep up with Alejandro!
Beautiful pics! Alexander is so sweet! And very alert looking for such a wee babe. Hope he's a good sleeper too! Can't believe he's over a month already.
Just one word for you Carolyn...and you know what it is. Facebook!!! ;-) Oh wait, two more words! Miss you!!!
xo Kim
This made me smile. And miss y'all even more. Counting down the days until Christmas. He looks so happy to have the best parents in the world. xo
Maybe that could be the title of your new blog - Life in the 'Hood?
Don't stop blogging, we love it!
Dear Carolyn, Pleasssssssssssse keep writing. I look forward to reading your posts. Alexander is very pretty and he looks a lot like Art. I hope all is well. Hugs from cold Detroit, Monika
He is so beautiful! I love all your pictures, but that last one especially. If you don't keep writing, I will understand, but I will be so very sad. Just saying.
Also, I got teary on the 3 generations pic. How special. Love to you!
He is a sweetie!! Thanks for sharing. It would be a shame if you stopped blogging, I always love to read what you write. All the best!
you baby is the sweetest!! and I love so much the last picture where the guy is looking at him with so much love :)
I’m glad to read you again. Thanks for this post. Best for you Buddy! and
Merry Christmas
Thanks for your blog, its very helpful.. May Allah protect your child and your family.
Good Luck
Really cutes your baby...My jealousy abounds!
wonderful family, nice. . .
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- Carolyn