Hi. It's been awhile. Yes, part of it's taking care of Alexander, but the truth is that most of the reason for lack of posts is lack of content. I don't really have anything to blog about anymore...now that I'm back in the ole USA and well, living the regular life. A sweet life, I should say. Look at that face:
At a month old.

I'm not sure if I want to continue on as a family update blog more for fam and friends or not. I have a feeling life will get busier (now it's busy, but mostly newborn busy-ness of staying at home most of the day and nursing and trying to keep up with blog designing and house keeping-together.) Not sure if I want to continue putting pics of my babe up on the internet either.
Abuela and Abuelo came to visit and we had fun.

Always love a 3 generation photo.
Arturo, Arturo and Alejandro. :)
Inside U of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning.
Showing them the campus.
We went out to eat! I think easier with a sleeping newborn...will get harder in the coming months.
Elsie's mostly gotten over her jealousy, but always wants to be in the action and next to baby... my pictures often contain a furry beast in the corner:
We recently tried out the Ergo Baby Carrier - baby and Dad both love it.
It's perfect for going on little walks at night. (I could use some exercise. :) )
The trees are starting to change colors and that never gets old to a
Texan. (where we don't have this for those of you that don't know.)
He's grown so much already. I see him developing more everyday. He loves to look around, coo and gives us the best smiles.
So, life is good in this hood. this motherhood and neighborhood. :)