Monday, February 1, 2010

Better than the Gym

So, I did it. I braved the cold and went on a 2 hr. 45 min. walk/hike with Caroline today. It was so nice. We picked a day we knew the sun would be accompanying us. I have to was a nice break from the usual treadmill/elliptical routine at Fit Inn (my gym). I didn't need much to keep me warm as the walking and occasional incline did the trick. The scenery, fresh air and conversation made it quite the wondey walk!

the real deal ice skating:

see the buffalo...

And I realized, Art and I had actually made part of this walk on this same trail before. Back in early April
last year with our friends, Rachael and Julian (when we were fresh Graz newbies). A little greener then...




Cathy McConn said...

So very lovely! and what great colors even in the winter. much better than dreary Houston.

Niki said...

That tree-lined trail on the left is beautiful! And I love the view overlooking the town. So pretty.

brookes said...

what a cool life you have right now. taking walks amongst the buffalos, in the snow. And Fit Inn? Is there a better gym name? Answer: NO.

melissa said...

It all looks beautiful to me and I wish I could go on one of those long walks with you. lucy and I just went around the block-not too much exercise. Stay warm in those silk long johns.

Nesy said...

Hi Carolyn,

I discovered your blog a couple of months ago and I thought it is about time I told you that I completely fell in love with it from the first post I read.

I come from Spain, but I spent two years as an exchange student in Graz. It was an unforgettable experience, and I still remember every day my life there.Through your eyes I have been able to see Graz again from a newbie's point of view; it seemed to me that this city is as fascinating for you as it was for me. Apart from that, I deeply enjoy your writing and the bautiful pictures you upload, no matter if Graz's or Elsie's :).

So, thank you very much for writing this blog. I'm really enjoying it and I hope you'll keep it up for a long time. I hope you're enjoying das grüne Herz Österreichs as much as I did.

Liebe Grüsse aus Spanien


Carolyn said...

Nesy -

That is so nice. Thanks for taking the time to comment. The Austrians always tell me it's funny to see my perspective. I am loving the das grüne Herz...more when it's actually grün and not snow covered. Take care.

gina marie said...

it looks so COLD
beautiful though :)

and yes ... MUCH MUCH better than ANY gym

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- Carolyn