Thursday, October 21, 2010

Houston, We I Have a Problem.

All you Houstonians of mine are probably enjoying really nice crispy, cool fall weather. And busting out your faux fur vests and overly warm, but fashionable items you've been dying to sport for the 2 weeks you can in Housty. Bite me. I've already started wearing my uniform:


What you can't see is that I have a wool cowl neck sweater underneath that mammoth wool peacoat. I also found some wondey unopened $25 ski socks in my wardrobe that are awesomely comfy and cozy.

The problem is that it's been way too cold for mid-Oktober. And grey. Heck, Amber even had to change her blog background from black to white to shine some light in her life.

And, I rarely wear black, almost never all black..but something about this grey poo poo frostiness blacks me up.

And, as I write this in the morn, the sun is shining and it looks like it could be quite wondey today, so see ya. Wouldn't wanna be ya. Or maybe I would...are you getting to wear cute, light fall clothes??

p.s. and my hip does have a problem too. it's got some bigger angle somewhere than it leg is a bit taller sorta...hence, i was right...hence, i would rather be deformed than be wrong. hence isn't the right word to be using either.


Kim aus Kanada said...

Absolutely beautiful day today! But still cold!!! Hopin' the sun is going to warm things up! Nice day for an afternoon coffee in the Zentrum in a cute little blue cafe...too bad I'm hosting a playdate with one of Connor's friends. If you want to come by with Elsie, you are quite welcome to (I made yummy banana bread and the afternoon sun streams into my kitchen quite nicely thank you!). If not, hope you have fun frolicking in the sun in wondey Graz! Tschuss!

Julie said...

You crack me up! Yesterday I had my faux-fur-lined boots on with two pairs of socks and my down jacket. Darnit anyway! At least lasagne is back on the menu!! Happy herbst!

The Tulley Family said...

I feel your pain. San Francisco seems to have skipped fall and we're straight into winter already. And since summer is actually foggy and cold here, it's been an overall crappy weather year!

Niki said...

Things are still pleasantly warm here in NC with most days in the 70s. I love this weather, but I'm also looking forward to wearing my Fall clothes. :-)

Amber said...

Ski socks! Love that in winter one can get away with wearing those under boots - so cozy. Also nice to wear comfy sweats under my long wool coat when grocery shopping - I still look reasonably "put together" if I don't take off the coat. But I think that just about exhausts the "pros" column of winter. "Cons" column still wins.

Cathy McConn said...

Yeah, so today I was tying ribbons in the Memorial parking lot and it was 89 and sweaty. Ugh. No fall cute clothes here. Only worn-out summer items that we're tired of wearing. Very dry hot autumn here.
But I will be heading to Santa Fe, NM on Saturday. Yeah!! High of 58 and low of 38....yikes. I'll be lovin' it for a quick weekend frost.
love ya,

molly b. said...

wishing it was cold in dallas. today i wore a tank top. i did spend the summer in San Francisco, though, and as your friend noted, it was quite the chilly summer... so I guess I am breaking even. So ready for some cooler weather, though.

Rachel in Heidelberg said...

Did Elsie take that picture? ;p It's really cold here too, a friend of mine says she's heard the worst Winter for 1000 years is on its way . . .

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- Carolyn