Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Big Apple was Good to my Little Sis...

My youngest sibling, Molly, a 16 year old girl in every way, got her little dream of a summer getaway to the big city. My mom, we like to call her Mimi or Meems, decided NYC would be a fun little trip for the two of them. Meems is no dowdy old mother of seven. She sports Tory B. and Trina T. and has more energy than me after a double espresso. The lady can't sit still. So, I think she was just as perked as Moll.

Now, I knew the seed that planted this little jaunt in Molly's mind was Gossip Girl and the Upper East Side. She wanted to see this place in person. Before she left I asked her "What if you randomly saw Penn Badgley or Blake Lively on the street filming GG?" knowing it would not happen. She replied "I would probably freak out!".

Well, low and behold, my little over-achiever sista somehow made it happen.


She stalked their sets along with hundreds of other teenage girls. She said she was standing right next to
Penn, but the girl in between them pushed her way through. Travesty. This pic was even on a NY blog
called Gawker and we were made aware of it after one of my other sister's elementary school friends (that
she hasn't seen in 6 years) sent her the link. The world is small. {So, not that I think this is cool or
anything...I'm almost 30 and don't pay attention to these silly matters...just doing this for Molly, K?}



Cousin Christiana, a faithful blog reader and great fan. :)


Molly and sista-in-law Linds (who is working in NY this summer) getting a Top Shop fix. Molly bought the
ever fateful pink Penn-meeting romper here unknowing of the beauty it would bring.


Kimberly said...

Go Molly! I have to send this WHOLE POST to my 18 yr old sis in law from England who loves GG and TOP SHOP! Didn't know it was in NYC too!

Molly said...

my favorite post so far! ok gotta go, penn's calling..

Amy said...

cracking up... love that Molly's Penn-sighting made the Graz blog!

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- Carolyn